19% Potency All-Polymer Sun Cells by way of Introducing Pincer-Formed Non-covalent Bond Interactions

19% Potency All-Polymer Sun Cells by way of Introducing Pincer-Formed Non-covalent Bond Interactions

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01117A, Paper
Jianxiao Wang, Yonghai Li, Chenyu Han, Liangliang Chen, Fuzhen Bi, Zunyuan Hu, Chunming Yang, Xichang Bao, Junhao Chu
Polymer blends are generally troubled by chaotic molecular entanglement, which limits the performance of all-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs). Here, two small molecules (C5Ph, C6Ph) with phenylalkyl sidechains are developed as…
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