Mai 2024


Cooperating Oxidation of NH3 and H2O to Selectively Produce Nitrate by way of a Just about Barrierless N–O Coupling Pathway

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4EE01483A, PaperKun Dang, Lei Wu, Siqin Liu, Hongwei Ji, Chuncheng Chen, Yuchao Zhang, Jincai ZhaoPhotoelectrochemical (PEC) direct ammonia oxidation presents a sustainable alternative to the industrial production of nitrate or nitrite (NOx−), while the highly selective NOx− synthesis remains


Aid of dinitrogen to ammonium via a magnesium-based electrochemical procedure at close-to-ambient temperature

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4EE01090F, CommunicationMelinda Krebsz, Rebecca Hodgetts, Sam Johnston, Cuong K. Nguyen, Yvonne Hora, Doug R. MacFarlane, Alexandr N SimonovThe Li-mediated nitrogen reduction enables practical synthesis of ammonia, but its energy efficiency is limited by the Li0/+ redox potential. To improve


Extending lifetime of Australia’s largest coal-fired energy station is ‘deeply disappointing’, inexperienced teams say

NSW Labor agreement with Origin to keep Eraring plant open for two more years to 2027 leaves environmental groups ‘deeply disappointed’Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastEnvironmental groups say they are