August 2024


Suppressing Product Crossover and C-C Bond Cleavage in a Glycerol Membrane Electrode Meeting Reformer

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4EE01824A, PaperChencheng Dai, Qian Wu, Tianze Wu, Yuwei Zhang, Libo Sun, Xin Wang, Adrian C Fisher, Zhichuan J. XuGenerating hydrogen through water electrolysis is impeded by high costs and substantial energy consumption mainly due to high equilibrium potential and


Plant root cell-inspired interphase layer for sensible aqueous zinc-iodine batteries with super-high areal capability and lengthy lifespan

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4EE02592J, PaperYuting Xu, Minghao Zhang, Rong Tang, Siyang Li, Chenxi Sun, Zeheng Lv, Wenhao Yang, Zhipeng Wen, Chengchao Li, Xue Li, Yang YangAqueous zinc-iodine batteries are of considerable interest for stationary energy storage because of safety and cost-effectiveness. Nonetheless,


Sturdy Transboundary Electron Switch of Top-entropy Quantum-dots Riding Fast Hydrogen Evolution Kinetics

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4EE01825G, PaperHao Zhao, Mengyuan Liu, Qiansen Wang, Yuze Li, Yu-Bin Chen, Yan-ping Zhu, Zhouying Yue, Jun Li, Guoliang Wang, Zhi-Qing Zou, Qingqing Cheng, Hui YangThe sluggish Tafel kinetics and high noble metal usage of PtRu-based electrocatalyst in hydrogen evolution


GA Drilling Companions with Petrobras to Ship Excessive Potency within the Deep Drilling Procedure

GA Drilling, has entered into a technical cooperation program with Petrobras, one of the largest energy companies in the world. In cooperation with Cenpes, Petrobras’ research, development, and innovation center, the partnership aims to revolutionize the geothermal industry by bringing a next-generation downhole drilling system