Mai 2024


Activating lattice oxygen in accordance with power band engineering in oxides for business water/saline oxidation

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17,3347-3357DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00214H, PaperYijie Zhang, Weiyi Zhang, Xiaowen Zhang, Xin Wang, Jiajun Wang, Qiang Zhao, Yuhan Sun, Jinping Li, Guang Liu, Xiaopeng HanThe oxide energy bands are adjusted by introducing Fe and F ions, thereby activating lattice oxygen for superior electrocatalytic performance.The


Decoding the top overpotential of the oxygen aid response by way of comprehensively elucidating the open circuit doable

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17,3338-3346DOI: 10.1039/D3EE04368A, PaperZenan Wu, Guangxing Yang, Qiao Zhang, Zhiting Liu, Feng PengThe reduction peak potential of Pt-based catalysts during cathodic scans emerges as a novel indicator for predicting ORR performance, proposing a strategy to enhance the OCP and reduce the overpotential