August 2024

Pellet dispensomixer and pellet distributor: Open {hardware} for nanocomposite area exploration by way of automatic subject matter compounding

Digital Discovery, 2024, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4DD00198B, Paper Open Access &nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Miguel Hernández-del-Valle, Jorge Ilarraza-Zuazo, Enrique Dios-Lázaro, Javier Rubio, Joris Audoux, Maciej HaranczykThe development of novel polymer-based nanocomposites necessitates the experimental preparation and characterization of


Overcharge Coverage in Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries by the use of Self-Sacrificial Components

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4EE01759E, Paper Shuo Yang, Liang Mei, Zhuoxi Wu, Jiaxiong Zhu, Pei Li, Hu Hong, Zhiyuan Zeng, Hongfei Li, Funian Mo, Chunyi ZhiIn pursuing zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) with extended lifetimes, considerable research has been devoted to enhancing their stability, specifically cycling