96.3好FM Interview: How do Carbon Credit paintings & long term of Sustainable Finance 如何运作碳信用,与持续金融的未来?

96.3好FM Interview: How do Carbon Credit paintings & long term of Sustainable Finance 如何运作碳信用,与持续金融的未来?

96.3好FM Interview: How do Carbon Credit paintings & long term of Sustainable Finance 如何运作碳信用,与持续金融的未来?

“在不久的将来,我觉得除了食品标签之外,还会有一个碳足迹计。[…] 在过去的两个月里Razer Inc. (碳补偿解决方案: Restorify)取得了不错的成绩。” Benjamin Soh 分享消费者将如何未来对日常产品减少他们的碳足迹。

感谢 @96.3HAOFM 邀请我们讨论脱碳、净零、 碳证书, 以及企业和消费者讨论如何能够在日常生活中做出更有意识的选择。 我们的董事总经理 Benjamin Soh 借此机会讨论 Razer 的 Restorify,由 STACS 技术提供支持, 和 CO2 Connect (CO2X) 等创新平台如何使用技术作为扩大气候行动的推动力提供了见解。继续观看视频,了解有关碳证书如何运作以及在可持续金融中发挥作用的信息。

“In the near future, I feel that in addition to food labels, there will also be a carbon footprint meter. […] I’m positive about it, as the results that we produced in partnership with Razer Inc.(Carbon Offset Solutions: Restorify) have shown good results in the past two months.” Quoted Benjamin Soh, on sharing how consumers will be empowered to have a say on #carbonfootprint of everyday products in the future.

Thanks @96.3HAOFM for the invite to discuss issues of decarbonisation, #netzero, carbon certificates, and how businesses and consumers alike are able to contribute by making more conscious choices in their daily lifestyles. Our Managing Director, Benjamin Soh had to opportunity to provide his insights on how innovative platforms such as Razer’s Restorify, powered by STACS technology, and CO2 Connect (CO2X), can use technology as an enabler for scaling up #climateaction. Watch the video to find out more about how carbon certificates work and play a part in sustainable finance.

STACS is a Singapore-headquartered FinTech company focused on ESG FinTech, operating ESGpedia which powers the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) Greenprint ESG Registry. ESGpedia records fractionalised High-Quality Carbon Credits of Razer customers’ offset transactions, allowing end-to-end traceability via ESGpedia.

🟢 Trace your carbon offset and Razer purchases via ESGpedia: https://esgpedia.io/carbon-credits

🟢 Case study of High-Quality Carbon Credits with Razer Inc.:

🟢 Connect to learn more: bd@stacs.io

Join us to achieve your #ESG goals and collectively bring forward a greener future of finance, for businesses across multiple industry sectors and for the planet.

🌱 Website: https://stacs.io
🌱 ESGpedia: https://esgpedia.io
🌱 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hash
🌱 Medium: https://stacs.medium.com/

#carbonoffset #esg #ecommerce #sustainablefinance #carboncredits #carbonemissions #carbon #greenfinance

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