A file on arsenic elimination from water by the use of adsorption of arsenomolybdate complicated on S−CuFe2O4 adsorbents†


A file on arsenic elimination from water by the use of adsorption of arsenomolybdate complicated on S−CuFe2O4 adsorbents†

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EW00300D, Paper
Ejaz Hussain, Maryam Sultana, Zeeshan Abid, Aqsa Khan Buzdar, Hamdy Khamees Thabet, Salah M. El-Bahy, Muhammad Jalil, Abdul Rauf, Zeinhom M. El-Bahy, Khezina Rafiq
Ground drinking water in many areas of Pakistan is contaminated by dissolved arsenic contents. Presence of arsenic in water causes many carcinogenic diseases in consumers. Hence, this work aims to…
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