A homogeneous plating/stripping mode with high-quality grains for extremely reversible Zn anodes

A homogeneous plating/stripping mode with high-quality grains for extremely reversible Zn anodes

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02264E, Paper
Open Access
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Zhen Luo, Yufan Xia, Shuang Chen, Xingxing Wu, Esther Akinlabi, Ben Bin Xu, Hongge Pan, Mi Yan, Yinzhu Jiang
Different from mode I with large nuclei and fast redox kinetics, mode II featured by the reduced nuclei and moderate redox kinetics is conducive to refine the grains and achieve homogeneous Zn plating/stripping toward highly reversible Zn anodes.
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