A microscopically heterogeneous colloid electrolyte of covalent natural nanosheets for ultrahigh-voltage and low-temperature lithium steel batteries


A microscopically heterogeneous colloid electrolyte of covalent natural nanosheets for ultrahigh-voltage and low-temperature lithium steel batteries

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17,2642-2650
DOI: 10.1039/D3EE04458K, Paper
Weifeng Zhang, Guoxing Jiang, Wenwu Zou, Xilong Chen, Siyuan Peng, Shengguang Qi, Renzong Hu, Huiyu Song, Zhiming Cui, Li Du, Zhenxing Liang
A microscopically heterogeneous electrolyte with host–guest interactions can withstand the harsh working conditions of lithium metal batteries.
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