Ag Coverage Connection Ep. 12 — Lowering methane whilst elevating extra farm animals in the true global

Ag Coverage Connection Ep. 12 — Lowering methane whilst elevating extra farm animals in the true global

Ag Coverage Connection Ep. 12 — Lowering methane whilst elevating extra farm animals in the true global

Methane emissions from cattle have received plenty of mainstream attention over the past decade, with calls to eat less beef often not accounting for the carbon sequestration and biodiversity benefits of producing highly-nutritious food on grasslands.

The panel in this episode of the Ag Policy Connection ruminates on how environmental policies can help or hinder more livestock production in Canada, the most effective approaches for reducing methane emissions, real-world incentives and monetization strategies for reducing emissions, and whether climate change policies are actually a growth opportunity for Canada’s cattle sector.

Thanks to our expert guests for sharing their perspective on this important topic, spanning from Guelph, Ontario, to Calgary, Alberta, to New South Wales, Australia:

– Nick Betts, inaugural managing director for the Canadian Alliance for Net Zero Agri-food (CANZA), which launched in late 2023. His background includes roles with farm associations, agriculture ministries, international industry associations, and in global climate consulting.

– Brenna Grant, executive director of Canfax and Canfax Research Services. Brenna is also chair of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef’s Climate Science Committee, and has been involved in the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef’s National Beef Sustainability Assessement.

– Richard Heath, CEO of the Zero Net Emissions Agricultural Cooperative Research Centre housed in the University of Queensland, Australia, as of January. Prior to that, Richard was the executive director for the Australian Farm Institute and an associate professor in agronomy and farm management at the University of Sydney. He is a Nuffield scholar and was a director of Nuffield Australia.

The Ag Policy Connection is presented by the Canadian Agricultural Policy Institute and RealAgriculture.

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