AI in Renewable Power: How Is It a Recreation Changer?

AI in Renewable Power: How Is It a Recreation Changer?

AI in Renewable Power: How Is It a Recreation Changer?

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So, we all know that renewable energies like solar power are the need of the time. But, how does Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help in improving renewable energy supply? Let’s see.

Global energy demands are growing every year. And, fossil fuels won’t be able to fulfill our energy needs in the future. Carbon emissions from fossil fuels have already hit an all-time high in 2018 due to increased energy consumption.

On the other hand, renewable energy is emerging out as a reliable alternative to fossil fuels. It is much safer and cleaner than conventional sources. With the advancements in technology, the renewable energy sector has made significant progress in the last decade.

However, there are still a few challenges in this sector that can be addressed with the help of emerging technologies.

Technologies like AI and Machine Learning can analyze the past, optimize the present, and predict the future. And, AI in the renewable energy sector can resolve most of the challenges.

Read the full guide here:

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