AIKO vs. Trina Sun Panels


AIKO vs. Trina Sun Panels

With so many solar panel manufacturers in Australia, choosing the right brand can be tricky. Two leading contenders are AIKO and Trina Solar. Both offer compelling options, but which one is best for Australian homes?


A new contender in Australia with cutting-edge technology, AIKO entered the Australian market in May 2024. However, the Chinese manufacturer has been operating since 2009. Over the years, it has made its name in the solar world as a recent awardee of Intersolar and Reddot. 

The manufacturer invests heavily in research and development and is the one behind the All Back Contact (ABC) technology, which launched worldwide in 2022. ABC technology is a type of photovoltaic (PV) solar cell design where all electrical contacts of the solar cell are on the rear side, opposite the direction of the sun. The design eliminates shading on the front side of the cell, maximising overall efficiency. 

AIKO has three solar panel offerings designed for small- and large-scale use. Below are its three solar panel variants:

AIKO Neostar

Designed for residential properties, the all-black panels, ranging from 440W to 470W, offer up to 23.1-23.6% efficiency. They are available in mono or dual glass and have a 30-year performance warranty and up to 25 years of product warranty.

AIKO Comet

The Comet series is designed for large-scale applications. Its power ratings range from 600 to 630W and its high module efficiencies of up to 23.9%. It is also available in mono and dual-glass versions.

AIKO Stellar

The Stellar series is a large format with power ratings from 620 to 640W and high efficiencies of up to 23.7% for large utilities. It is designed to optimise LCOE for different landscapes and can be upgraded to the waterproof package for flooring and tidal flats applications. 

Trina Solar

Consider Trina Solar, which was founded in 1997 and is already well-established in the solar industry. It is also a Chinese manufacturer with awards to its name. In fact, it has been one of PV Evolution Labs’ top performers since 2014. Additionally, most of their products are eligible for federal STCs

Similar to AIKO, Trina Solar has three product offerings on the market.

Honey Series

The Honey Series is designed for residential and commercial use with a power capacity of 330 to 380 W. It is one of Australia’s most popular solar panels as it comes with an affordable price tag. They also have all-black options—the Honey Black Series.

Vertex Series

The Vertex Series is designed for utility-scale applications with a power capacity of 380 to 395 W. It is currently the most used Trina solar panel in the Aussie market. It comes in several sub-series: Vertex S, Vertex S+, Vertex N, Vertex Backsheet, and Vertex Bifacial. All of these use monocrystalline solar cells. 

Tallmax Series

The Tallmax series are the predecessors of the Vertex Series, designed for commercial and industrial use. They have a power capacity of 435 to 460 W. 

Which is the best between the two?

Efficiency is king when it comes to solar panels. Between AIKO and Trina Solar, it all comes down to the technology they provide. AIKO’s ABC technology removes the traditional front grid and contact on solar cells. Instead, they use contacts on the back, which allows more sunlight to reach the active area of the cell and convert it into electricity. In turn, this translates to potentially record-breaking efficiency ratings. 

Additionally, the beauty of ABC technology lies in its superior temperature coefficient. While most panels lose efficiency as temperatures rise, AIKO panels experience a slower decline, ensuring homeowners generate more energy even on hot days. 

On the other hand, Trina Solar offers various cell technologies, including PERC and newer N-type options like TOPcon. While these advancements might not match AIKO’s ABC in pure efficiency. 

For most homeowners, maximising electricity generation from limited roof space is a top priority. AIKO’s ABC technology allows you to generate more power from a smaller panel array, making it ideal for space-constrained rooftops common in residential areas. 

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your priorities and budget. If maximising power generation is your top concern, AIKO’s ABC technology is a strong contender. However, if you’re looking for a wider range of options and lower upfront costs, Trina Solar might be a better fit.

Energy Matters has been in the solar industry since 2005 and has helped over 40,000 Australian households in their journey to energy independence.

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The post AIKO vs. Trina Solar Panels appeared first on Energy Matters.

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