Air-Solid Lithium-Sandwiched Present Collector for Non-Harmful, Thermally protected, and Sustained Supplementary Lithiation

Air-Solid Lithium-Sandwiched Present Collector for Non-Harmful, Thermally protected, and Sustained Supplementary Lithiation

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02522A, Paper
Can Zhang, Xinlong Chen, Wang Wan, Ganxiong Liu, Quan Nie, Fangzhou Yang, Xueyang Li, Sa Li, Yunhui Huang, Chao Wang
Contact prelithiation for anodes presents a promising strategy to compensate for active lithium loss due to solid-state interface formation. However, existing research has predominantly focused on lithium thinning, neglecting issues…
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