All About Sun Power – Earth’s Renewable Sources

All About Sun Power – Earth’s Renewable Sources

All About Sun Power – Earth’s Renewable Sources

#solar #energy #electricity #sun
Renewable Energy – Solar Power
Most of the energy on Earth can be traced back to the Sun. The Sun is more than 140 million kilometers from Earth, yet produces enough light and heat to light up the Earth and keep us warm.

Solar electricity, or solar energy, can be produced when light energy from the Sun is transformed into electrical energy. This is done through special devices called photovoltaic cells. The cells are connected together in large groups to form solar panels.

Solar panels can be attached to the roof of buildings and provide homes with electricity. Large collections of solar panels are often placed in open areas that get lots of sunlight. The electricity they produce is used to power towns and cities.

Solar electricity has many advantages. It is a renewable energy source that will never run out. It also produces no pollution, which is better for the environment. The disadvantages of solar electricity are that the panels require a large amount of space and they can be expensive to install. Solar panels may also produce less electricity on cloudy/overcast days.

Natural Resources
Materials or substances in nature that are used by people are called natural resources. We use many different kinds of natural resources for a range of different purposes.

Rocks, soil, metals and wood are natural resources used to build houses and buildings. Plants and animals are natural resources that are often farmed to produce the food we eat and the clothes we wear. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas are also natural resources.

Some natural resources, like fossil fuels, take millions of years to form. We use these resources far quicker than they can be replaced. They are called non-renewable resources.

Other natural resources, like the energy in sunlight, wind and moving water, cannot be used up. They are called renewable resources.

Solar-powered Homes
A solar-powered home is a home that meets all or part of its electricity needs using solar power.

Solar panels are attached to the roof and positioned in a way to absorb as much sunlight as possible. Photovoltaic cells convert the sunlight into electrical energy. The electrical energy is sent to an inverter which makes the electricity available to use.

The electricity can be used to power electrical appliances within the home or stored in batteries to use later. If the solar panels produce more electricity than needed, the electricity can be sent to the electric grid for others to use.

Solar electricity has many advantages. It is a renewable energy source that will never run out. It also produces no pollution, which is better for the environment. The disadvantages of solar electricity are that the panels require a large amount of space and they can be expensive to install. Solar panels may also produce less electricity on cloudy/overcast days.

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