Ameliorated entice density and full of life dysfunction by way of bolstered intermolecular interplay option to assemble environment friendly non-halogenated natural sun cells


Ameliorated entice density and full of life dysfunction by way of bolstered intermolecular interplay option to assemble environment friendly non-halogenated natural sun cells

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00291A, Paper
Shenzheng Gao, Yiming Zhang, Seonghun Jeong, Xinjie Zhou, Hao Xu, Shanlei Xu, Daqing Chen, Wenzhu Liu, Changduk Yang, Sheng Meng, Weiguo Zhu, Xin Song
Go out for environmental considerations, non-halogenated solvent casting is of critical importance for the commercialization of organic solar cells (OSCs). However, the severe traps and energetic disorder induced by the…
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