Amphiphilic electrolyte additive as ion-flow stabilizer permits excellent zinc steel batteries


Amphiphilic electrolyte additive as ion-flow stabilizer permits excellent zinc steel batteries

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00318G, Paper
Zimin Yang, Yi-Lun Sun, Siting Deng, Hao Tong, Mingqiang Wu, Xinbin Nie, Yifan Su, Guanjie He, Yinghe Zhang, Jianwei Li, Guoliang Chai
Irreversible Zn plating/stripping along with interfacial degradation seriously affect the practical applications of aqueous zinc-ion batteries. Herein, 3-(hydroxy (phenyl) phosphoryl) propanoic acid (HPA) is introduced as an electrolyte additive that…
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