Anomalous Superionic Conductivity in van der Waals Lithium Thiophosphates Brought on via Interlayer Molecules


Anomalous Superionic Conductivity in van der Waals Lithium Thiophosphates Brought on via Interlayer Molecules

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00500G, Paper
Jianing Liang, Yu Wu, Zongdong Sun, Cheng Zeng, Youwen Liu, Yinghe Zhao, Tianyou Zhai, Huiqiao Li
Superionic conductors (SICs) are of great importance for substantial applications such as energy storage and conversion, conductance switching. In contrast to typical SICs which have three-dimensional inter-connected ion diffusion pathways,…
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