Apples to Apples: Shift from Mass Ratio to Additive Molecules according to Electrode House to Optimize Li-Ion Batteries


Apples to Apples: Shift from Mass Ratio to Additive Molecules according to Electrode House to Optimize Li-Ion Batteries

Digital Discovery, 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4DD00002A, Paper
Open Access Open Access
Creative Commons Licence&nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Bojing Zhang, Leon Merker, Monika Vogler, Fuzhan Rahmanian, Helge Sören S Stein
Electrolyte additives in liquid electrolyte batteries can trigger the formation of a protective interphase (SEI) atthe electrodes that aims to suppress side reactions at the electrodes. Studies of varying amounts…
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