Atomistic Remark and Temporary Reordering of Antisited Li/Fe Defects towards Sustainable LiFePO4


Atomistic Remark and Temporary Reordering of Antisited Li/Fe Defects towards Sustainable LiFePO4

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01622J, Paper
Yaqing Guo, Yonggang Yao, Chi Guo, Yaduo Song, Pengjie Huang, Xiaobin Liao, Ku He, Hao Zhang, Hanwen Liu, Rong Hu, Wei Wang, Cheng Li, Shun Wang, Anmin Nie, Yifei Yuan, Yunhui Huang
The Li/Fe disordering confined within the single unit cells of LiFePO4 (LFP) crystals has been notoriously plaguing their reversible Li+ storage, capacity, and thus service life, posing a grand challenge…
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