Bamboo Carbon Credit, Planting Bamboo for Other people and Planet!

Bamboo Carbon Credit, Planting Bamboo for Other people and Planet!

Bamboo Carbon Credit, Planting Bamboo for Other people and Planet!

Nobody can escape the fact that everyone causes CO2 emissions. Maybe you as a person or a company are already consciously working on reducing your CO2 emissions. For example, do you have solar panels on your roof, do you drive electric or do you live without gas. Even then, CO2 compensation is interesting and important. An average person in Western Europe causes 8.9 tonnes of CO2 emissions on an annual basis.

Offset your CO2 emissions by planting bamboo! We grow bamboo on the square metre. In this way, you offset your CO2 emissions. In addition, you contribute to positive living conditions for the local population and the flora and fauna of the area. Check our website for more information how you can make a change!

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