Benefit whilst creating a distinction with Top High quality Carbon Credit: What does it truly imply?

Benefit whilst creating a distinction with Top High quality Carbon Credit: What does it truly imply?

Benefit whilst creating a distinction with Top High quality Carbon Credit: What does it truly imply?

STACS Showcase 2021 – Live Panel, Day 2 ESG FinTech

Sustainability and being Green are hot targets across many organisations recently, as we struggle to achieve global climate goals. While working with Sustainability and Green, it is impossible to miss out on Carbon Credits (CCs). CCs are often being portrayed as a shining knight with armour that could potentially be used to achieve carbon neutrality and solve climate issues.
But how do we define what is a good quality carbon credit, and how does it benefit businesses? Join us & learn more from the esteemed speakers in this panel.

– Keagan Rubel, Director of Sustainability, PwC Singapore
– Gabriel Wong, Co-Founder, Cyberdyne Tech Exchange (CTX)
– Tom Enger, Head of Product, Climate Impact X
– Shi Mei Chin [Moderator], CFO, Spark Systems, Treasurer, Singapore FinTech Association
– Jeanette Some, ESG Specialist, STACS

STACS (Hashstacs Pte Ltd) is a Singapore FinTech company in partnership with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) for the Project Greenprint ESG Registry. STACS provides Transformative Technology for the Financial Industry, with its live blockchain infrastructure that unlocks value and enables effective Sustainable financing. Its clients and partners include global banks, national stock exchanges, and asset managers.

Join us as we empower the financial industry to unlock massive value sustainably via Transformative Technology.
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