Bioinspired anion exchange membranes with dual steric cross-linking centers for industrial-scale water electrolysis

Bioinspired anion exchange membranes with dual steric cross-linking centers for industrial-scale water electrolysis

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02428A, Paper
Tang Tang, Husileng Lee, Zhiwei Wang, Zhiheng Li, Linqin Wang, Dexin Chen, Wentao Zheng, Qinglu Liu, Lanlan He, Guoheng Ding, Ziyu Tian, Licheng Sun
A precise molecular regulation approach was proposed to design high-performance and high-stability spatially crosslinking AEMs that boosted the industrial-scale AEM-WE.
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