
Rainwater harvesting | Wikipedia audio article

Rainwater harvesting | Wikipedia audio article

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:Rainwater harvesting00:00:46 1 History of rain water harvesting00:04:01 1.1 Current uses00:04:10 1.1.1 Canada00:04:45 1.1.2 India00:07:13 1.1.3 Israel00:08:07 1.1.4 New Zealand00:08:27 1.1.5 Sri Lanka00:08:56 1.1.6 South Africa00:09:36 1.1.7 United Kingdom00:10:11 1.1.8 Other countries00:13:11 2 New approaches00:14:47 2.1 Nontraditional00:15:24

2017/11/13 I²CNER Seminar Series : Prof. Leif Hammarström

2017/11/13 I²CNER Seminar Sequence : Prof. Leif Hammarström

[Title] Molecular and Biomimetic Approaches to Artificial Photosynthesis[Speaker] Prof. Leif HammarströmDepartment of ChemistryUppsala UniversitySweden [Date & Time] Monday, November13, 2017 4:00 p.m.[Place] I²CNER Hall, Ito campus, Kyushu University[Abstract] The Swedish Consortium for Artificial Photosynthesis (CAP) is based on cross-disciplinary collaborations. Our fundamental science has