Boosted Thermogalvanic Thermopower upon Cast-to-Liquid Segment Transition

Boosted Thermogalvanic Thermopower upon Cast-to-Liquid Segment Transition

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01642D, Paper
Dongjoon Shin, Kihoon Ryu, Daehyun Kim, Eunho Choi, Seunghoon Chae, Yundong Lee, Yong Tae Kang, Sangtae Kim, Wonjoon Choi
Thermogalvanic cells offer scalable low-grade waste heat recovery using tunable electrode-dependent thermopower and electrolyte-dependent thermal conductivities. However, the use of single-phase electrodes thermodynamically curb the entropy difference, limiting the thermopower…
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