Brief heating synthesis of extremely ordered Ga-Cu intermetallic anti-perovskite for environment friendly ammonia electrosynthesis and ultrastable zinc‐nitrate gas cells

Brief heating synthesis of extremely ordered Ga-Cu intermetallic anti-perovskite for environment friendly ammonia electrosynthesis and ultrastable zinc‐nitrate gas cells

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02775B, Paper
Peifang Wang, Chongchong Liu, Lei Rao, Weixiang Tao, Rong Huang, Peilin Huang, Gang Zhou
Electrocatalytic nitrate reduction reaction (eNitRR) parades great prospects in treating nitrate-containing wastewater and substituting Haber-Bosch process for ammonia production. Cu-based bimetallic compounds (BMCs) are the attractive eNitRR catalysts due to…
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