Can Blockchain Tech Assist Strengthen the Carbon Credit score Marketplace? | WSJ Tech Information Briefing

Can Blockchain Tech Assist Strengthen the Carbon Credit score Marketplace? | WSJ Tech Information Briefing

Can Blockchain Tech Assist Strengthen the Carbon Credit score Marketplace? | WSJ Tech Information Briefing

The market for carbon credits has some big problems. The certificates that allow companies and governments to offset their emissions have been shown in some cases to be unreliable.

Crypto enthusiasts think using the same blockchain tech that makes digital currencies traceable could be the solution. But are startups like Moss Earth addressing the most pressing issues?

The Wall Street Journal’s Zoe Thomas hosts this special episode of WSJ Tech News Briefing looking into new climate technologies.

Photo: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

Tech News Briefing
WSJ’s tech podcast featuring breaking news, scoops and tips on tech innovations and policy debates, plus exclusive interviews with movers and shakers in the industry.

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