Carbon Credit Being Used as License to Pollute | Polly Hemming on The Drum

Carbon Credit Being Used as License to Pollute | Polly Hemming on The Drum

Carbon Credit Being Used as License to Pollute | Polly Hemming on The Drum

“The whole premise of the Emissions Reduction Fund is to reduce emissions. In its current context it is not doing that. The credits currently don’t have integrity and the Emissions Reduction Fund is basically being used as a license to pollute. The supply of credits that is coming out is so dramatic that the price has dropped. It’s making it easier for these big emitters that are part of the industries, part of the government’s gas fired recovery, making it easier for them to pollute.”

– Polly Hemming, Advisor, Climate & Energy Program, on The Drum

Originally aired 25th March 2022.

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