Carbon Market Myths – “Carbon Credits Come from Questionable Land & Projects”

Carbon Market Myths – “Carbon Credits Come from Questionable Land & Projects”

Carbon Market Myths – “Carbon Credits Come from Questionable Land & Projects”

🛑 Let us stop you right there 🛑… Because even though you could say that some carbon credits do come from questionable land and projects, this is not something that applies to ALL carbon credits. As we like to say here, not ALL carbon credits are created equally.

🧐 That’s why it’s important to check what they represent and where they are coming from when selecting what credits to purchase to support your company’s SBTi Net Zero or Carbon Neutrality claims.

Our latest video dives into the myth of all carbon credits coming from questionable land and projects and tells you how Treeconomy’s work with afforestation and carbon removal projects makes it “easy” to evidence as good. Watch the video to learn more!

🌳 And if you are looking to purchase credits coming for unquestionable land and projects, contact us through our website –

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