Carbon Offsets: The place Does the Carbon Cross? – Atmosphere Collection| Academy 4 Social Trade

Carbon Offsets: The place Does the Carbon Cross? – Atmosphere Collection| Academy 4 Social Trade

Carbon Offsets: The place Does the Carbon Cross? – Atmosphere Collection| Academy 4 Social Trade

Carbon offsets are actions meant to compensate for human activities that emit carbon into the air. Companies, and even individuals, can pay an organization that will then use the money for a project meant to either absorb carbon or reduce carbon emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas. When it is emitted through the burning of fossil fuels, much of it stays in the atmosphere and traps heat, directing it back to Earth. Scientists have warned we should limit the global temperature rise to 1.5℃ to prevent the worst effects of climate change. This fact means that we must limit the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon offsets are one fundamental way of doing so, as their function is to absorb or reduce carbon emissions so that the world is closer to carbon neutrality.

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**Think Further Questions
1. What do you think is the most effective way to achieve carbon neutrality? What role do/should carbon offsets play in the process of achieving that goal?
2. What role do carbon offsets play in international relations? How do they fit into the larger process of the international community achieving carbon neutrality? Do carbon offsets affect some countries differently than others? If so, how?
3. How can you help achieve carbon neutrality?

00:00 – Introduction
00:24 – Explanation
01:07 – Definition
01:52 – How It Works
03:48 – Why Care?

#academy4sc #civicseducation #environment

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