Carbon Pipelines: A Crisis Ready to Occur

Carbon Pipelines: A Disaster Waiting to Happen

Carbon Pipelines: A Crisis Ready to Occur

Co-Sponsored by Sierra Club Iowa Chapter and Food and Water Watch

It was just after 7 p.m. when residents of Satartia, Mississippi, started smelling rotten eggs. Then a greenish cloud rolled across Route 433 and settled into the valley surrounding the little town. Within minutes, people were inside the cloud, gasping for air, nauseated and dazed.”
– Excerpt from Satartia, Mississippi Pipeline Explosion Investigation

This could happen in Iowa if two proposed carbon pipelines are approved.

Iowa has two new pipeline proposals. Both are centered around Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). The lines would carry captured carbon from ethanol plants. CCS is very complicated but when you boil it down, the basic premise is that it captures the carbon and stores it underground (CCS) or it captures the carbon and uses it for industrial purposes. The two pipelines in Iowa are being offered as false climate solutions as they will be utilized for enhanced oil recovery and extending the life of coal-fired power plants.

We already know the solutions to our climate crisis – we must end our dependence on fossil fuels and invest in solar, wind, storage, conservation and efficiency!


Carolyn Raffensperger, M.A., J.D. – Carolyn is executive director of the Science and Environmental Health Network and member of the Sierra Club Iowa Chapter Executive Committee. In 1982 she left a career as an archaeologist in the desert Southwest to join the environmental movement. She first worked for the Sierra Club in Chicago where she addressed an array of environmental issues, including forest management, river protection, pesticide pollutants, and disposal of radioactive waste. She began working for SEHN in December 1994. As an environmental lawyer she specializes in the fundamental changes in law and policy necessary for the protection and restoration of public health and the environment. She is best known for her work on the precautionary principle.

Dan Zegart – Dan is an investigative journalist and the senior investigator at the Climate Investigations Center. A ten-year newspaper veteran, he has written, reported or produced for Ms., The Nation, Reader’s Digest, Salon, the Associated Press, The New York Times, PBS Frontline, ABC TV Directions – – including the Emmy-nominated “Aging in Venice” – – as well as ABC TV 20/20, and CBS Evening News. He is the author of two books, Civil Warriors: The Legal Siege on the Tobacco Industry, and Your Father’s Voice: Letters for Emmy about Life with Jeremy – and Without Him after 9/11.

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