Celebrity Royalties & Inexperienced Celebrity Royalties: CEO Alex Pernin – Distinctive Carbon Credit score Streaming Style + Gold

Celebrity Royalties & Inexperienced Celebrity Royalties: CEO Alex Pernin – Distinctive Carbon Credit score Streaming Style + Gold

Celebrity Royalties & Inexperienced Celebrity Royalties: CEO Alex Pernin – Distinctive Carbon Credit score Streaming Style + Gold

“CEO Alex Pernin will review the latest developments at Star Royalties and discuss the outlook for its Green Star Royalties joint venture and its precious metals royalties portfolio.

Star Royalties Ltd. is a carbon credit and precious metals royalty and streaming company, with joint venture with Agnico Eagle Mines and Cenovus Energy. The Company innovated the world’s first carbon credit royalties in forestry and regenerative agriculture through its pure-green joint venture, Green Star Royalties Ltd., and offers investors exposure to carbon credit and precious metals prices.

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CEO Alex Pernin
VP BD Dmitry Kushnir

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Martin Gagel and Market Radius Capital, Inc. are not registered or licensed to provide investment advice. Content is for information purposes only and may include incomplete or incorrect information and is not advice or a recommendation. Communications and content from Radius Research or Market Radius Research are productions of Market Radius Capital, Inc. Martin Gagel may own shares of any of the companies mentioned. Market Radius Capital, Inc. may be compensated and may have commercial arrangements with any of the companies mentioned. Content may contain forward looking statements. Please read the presenting companies’ forward looking statement disclaimers.

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