Complex Energy Digital Converters for Renewable Power Methods | Webinar | EEE

Complex Energy Digital Converters for Renewable Power Methods | Webinar | EEE

Complex Energy Digital Converters for Renewable Power Methods | Webinar | EEE

We are happy to inform you that the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is organizing a Webinar on 26.06.2020.

We offering job oriented webinar series at free of to +2 students and diploma students
Our Government decide to trained peoples in the field of Renewable energy to achieve the result of top ranking energy generation in the world. In connection with that we organize Free Online E- Certificate courses on “ADVANCED POWER ELECTRONICS CONVERTERS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS”. It is an extremely interesting field of study which is fresh in the market. While big think tanks and subject matter experts are constantly brainstorming on how to create renewable and recyclable energy resources, big MNCs are implementing these technologies in their infrastructure. Students in this field get to learn fresh and new technology. This opens up huge job market for someone who is skilled in this field, you can also become an independent installer opening up huge earning potential for yourself.

Greetings from Tagore Engineering College, Chennai.
We found that around 500+ participants attended the session. Requesting all the participants to complete the following feedback form, so that we can start processing the E-certificate.


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