Cooperating Oxidation of NH3 and H2O to Selectively Produce Nitrate by the use of a Just about Barrierless N–O Coupling Pathway

Cooperating Oxidation of NH3 and H2O to Selectively Produce Nitrate by the use of a Just about Barrierless N–O Coupling Pathway

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01483A, Paper
Kun Dang, Lei Wu, Siqin Liu, Hongwei Ji, Chuncheng Chen, Yuchao Zhang, Jincai Zhao
Photoelectrochemical (PEC) direct ammonia oxidation presents a sustainable alternative to the industrial production of nitrate or nitrite (NOx), while the highly selective NOx synthesis remains challenging due to the intricate…
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