Coordination engineering with crown ethers for perovskite precursor stabilization and defect passivation

Coordination engineering with crown ethers for perovskite precursor stabilization and defect passivation

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02124J, Paper
Zhongyang Zhang, Yuxuan Yang, Zijian Huang, Qiaoling Xu, Siyuan Zhu, Ming-Hua Li, Peng Zhao, Hong Cui, Sihan Li, Xi Jin, Xiaoxue Wu, Mingyue Han, Yu Zhang, Ning-Jiu Zhao, Chao Zou, Qijie Liang, Lede Xian, Jin-Song Hu, Cheng Zhu, Yihua Chen, Yang Bai, Yujing Li, Qi Chen, Huanping Zhou, Bao Zhang, Yan Jiang
An understanding of coordination chemistry is essential to the development of perovskite photovoltaics. By using a series of structurally approximate crown ethers as the model system, we show that coordination…
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