Deciphering the Mechanism of Self-discharge and Optimum Electrolyte Reconfiguration for Complicated Vanadium-based Aqueous Zinc Batteries


Deciphering the Mechanism of Self-discharge and Optimum Electrolyte Reconfiguration for Complicated Vanadium-based Aqueous Zinc Batteries

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01208A, Paper
Jie Sun, Jin Zhang, Siyang Wang, Peiyan Sun, Jiahang Chen, Yuping Du, Shenghan Wang, Saadoune Ismael, Yizhan Wang, Yingjin Wei
The self-discharge of aqueous zinc batteries during idle periods remains elusive, warranting adequate voltage and sufficient capacity is not trivial, due to the components of the battery system and the…
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