Defect-less formamidinium Sn–Pb perovskite grown on a fluorinated substrate with top-down crystallization keep watch over for environment friendly and strong photovoltaics


Defect-less formamidinium Sn–Pb perovskite grown on a fluorinated substrate with top-down crystallization keep watch over for environment friendly and strong photovoltaics

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17,2845-2855
DOI: 10.1039/D3EE04343F, Paper
Yuan Zhou, Tonghui Guo, Junjun Jin, Zhenkun Zhu, Yanyan Li, Shuxin Wang, Sisi Zhou, Qianqian Lin, Jinhua Li, Weijun Ke, Guojia Fang, Xianggong Zhang, Qidong Tai
A highly efficient and stable ideal-bandgap perovskite solar cell based on a defect-less formamidinium (FA) Sn–Pb perovskite light-absorbing layer is grown on a fluorinated substrate via top-down crystallization.
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