Direct and oblique oxidation elimination of chloride ions from sulfuric acid wastewater the use of photoactivated PMS/PS: potency and mechanism


Direct and oblique oxidation elimination of chloride ions from sulfuric acid wastewater the use of photoactivated PMS/PS: potency and mechanism

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, 10,889-901
DOI: 10.1039/D3EW00858D, Paper
Wenyue Dou, Dong Li, Jiaqi Wu, Kaili Zhu, Chenyang Wu, Linghao Kong, Xingyun Hu
PMS and PS showed excellent performance in removing Cl(−I) as Cl2 from sulfuric acid wastewater under UV irradiation. Indirect oxidation via ·SO4 radicals played an essential role in removing Cl(−I).
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