Distinguishing Bulk Redox from Near-Surface Degradation in Lithium Nickel Oxide Cathodes


Distinguishing Bulk Redox from Near-Surface Degradation in Lithium Nickel Oxide Cathodes

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02398F, Paper
Open Access Open Access
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Lijin An, Ruomu Zhang, Pravin N. Didwal, Michael W. Fraser, Leanne A. H. Jones, Conor M. E. Phelan, Namrata Ramesh, Grant Harris, Robert S Weatherup, Jack E. N. Swallow, Peixi Cong, Andrey Poletayev, Erik Björklund, Christophe Sahle, Pilar Ferrer, David C. Grinter, Peter Bencok, Shusaku Hayama, Saiful Islam, Robert House, Peter D Nellist, Robert J. Green, Rebecca J Nicholls
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