Environment friendly and Strong All-Small-Molecule Sun Cells Enabled via Incorporating a Designed Large Molecule Acceptor


Environment friendly and Strong All-Small-Molecule Sun Cells Enabled via Incorporating a Designed Large Molecule Acceptor

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01705F, Paper
Xinrong Yang, Yuan Gao, Lin-Yong Xu, Xiaohei Wu, Xingyu Chen, Yiming Shao, Bo Xiao, Shanshan Liu, Jianlong Xia, Rui Sun, Jie Min
All-small-molecule organic solar cells (all-SMOSCs) exhibits tremendous potential for commercialization thanks to their unique advantages, including well-defined molecular structure, ease of synthesis, and batch-to-batch reproducibility. However, both high power conversion…
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