Environmentally pleasant TDS elimination from waste water by way of electrochemical ion change batch-type recirculation (EIR) method


Environmentally pleasant TDS elimination from waste water by way of electrochemical ion change batch-type recirculation (EIR) method

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, 10,826-835
DOI: 10.1039/D3EW00793F, Paper
G Vijayakumar, Muniyandi Rajkumar, N Rajiv Chandar, P Selvakumar, Ramesh Duraisamy
The increasing prevalence of total dissolved solids (TDS), Cl, SO42−, total suspended solids (TSS), BOD and COD in industrial effluent necessitates pioneering electrochemical approaches for their efficient removal.
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