Exploring Verra’s Plastic Program and Plastic Credit for Regional Stakeholders in Latin The united states

Exploring Verra’s Plastic Program and Plastic Credit for Regional Stakeholders in Latin The united states

Exploring Verra’s Plastic Program and Plastic Credit for Regional Stakeholders in Latin The united states

The webinar explored how Verra’s Plastic Waste Reduction Program (Plastic Program) and Plastic Credits could support plastic waste management efforts in Latin America. In this one-hour session, Verra staff provided a comprehensive overview of regional plastic pollution challenges, introduced Verra’s Plastic Program, and explained how to register and verify projects within the program. The session also covered Plastic Credits and examined how stakeholders could leverage these credits as an innovative financing mechanism for scaling up plastic waste reduction activities. Time was also allocated for open dialogue and questions at the end.

The presentation slides of this webinar can be found here: https://bit.ly/3WzgDVy

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