Fiber-optic skinny movie chemical sensor of two, 4 Dinitro-1-chlorobenzene and carbon quantum dots for level of care detection of hydrazine in water samples


Fiber-optic skinny movie chemical sensor of two, 4 Dinitro-1-chlorobenzene and carbon quantum dots for level of care detection of hydrazine in water samples

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EW00195H, Paper
Tanmay Vyas, Hritik Kumar , Gunjan Nagpure , Abhijeet Joshi
Abstract The use of Hydrazine in various industrial sectors especially as a synthetic precursor in pharmaceuticals, coating material of water boilers, and a rocket propellant is increasing globally. Hydrazine is…
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