Find out how to Make sure that Top Integrity When Buying Carbon Credit

Find out how to Make sure that Top Integrity When Buying Carbon Credit

Find out how to Make sure that Top Integrity When Buying Carbon Credit

For companies looking to neutralize their residual emissions with carbon credits, the voluntary carbon marketplace offers a range of options. But how do you choose a program that will deliver a meaningful carbon impact and bring value to your brand?

Join GreenBiz and national conservation organization, the American Forest Foundation (AFF), for a discussion on advancing integrity in forest carbon credits. Learn what carbon project developers are doing to improve credit quality and hear from a buyer with experience choosing partnerships that uphold the standards of their brand.

This webinar will cover:
– Trends in carbon credit quality in the broader marketplace
– The characteristics of a high integrity carbon program
– Why companies are opting for these programs over low-quality transactions
– A new option for companies looking for high integrity carbon credits: the Family Forest Carbon Program. A partnership between AFF and The Nature Conservancy, the program has developed a revolutionary new carbon accounting methodology through Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard that advances credibility and transparency.

– Jim Giles, Vice President, Net Zero, GreenBiz Group

– Nathan Truitt, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, American Forest Foundation
– Campbell Moore, Senior Carbon Advisor, Global Carbon Markets Team, The Nature Conservancy
– Beth Wytiaz, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Climate Strategy Executive, Bank of America

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