Formation of nitro(so) by-products of shock right through the remedy of phenolic compounds via the hydroxylamine-enhanced Fe(II)/peroxymonosulfate procedure


Formation of nitro(so) by-products of shock right through the remedy of phenolic compounds via the hydroxylamine-enhanced Fe(II)/peroxymonosulfate procedure

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, 10,902-911
DOI: 10.1039/D3EW00903C, Paper
Jiebin Duan, Chaoting Guan, Su-yan Pang, Jin Jiang
The transformation pathway of hydroxylamine and the formation mechanism of nitro(so) by-products during the treatment of phenols using the Fe(II)/peroxymonosulfate/hydroxylamine system are elaborated.
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