From garish to sensible: synergetic impact of short-circuiting and charge-trapping for high-entropy power harvesting

From garish to sensible: synergetic impact of short-circuiting and charge-trapping for high-entropy power harvesting

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01210K, Paper
Jihong Shi, Xiangyang Zhang, Weilu Li, Jasim M. Almardi, Xiangkun Bo, Zehua Peng, Wen Jung Li, Zhong Lin Wang, Walid A Daoud
The ultimate goal of the triboelectric nanogenerator is to boost the electric output, while ensuring device simplicity, effectiveness, reproducibility, and practicability. This study addresses these virtues by introducing a newly…
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