Fundamentals of Residential Inexperienced Development and Reworking – Water/Position

Basics of Residential Green Building and Remodeling – Water/Place

Fundamentals of Residential Inexperienced Development and Reworking – Water/Position

Our reoccurring series will wrap up as we finish the water pillar covering water saving devices, water certification programs, water ratings and scores as well as innovations in water. From there we will transition to the place pillar discussing landscaping, stormwater, wildlife protection, community connectivity, pest control, land use offsets, policy, advocacy, diversity, equity and inclusion!

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Make sure you watch all the series in the session on the playlist>
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Brett Little, Program Manager at GreenHome Institute, has been involved in residential sustainability since 2008 and holds a bachelor’s in Sustainable Business. Brett has provided consulting and verification services on 1000’s residential green-certified living spaces, and GC’d two of his own GreenStar Homes Certified remodels. The most recent achieving platinum and aiming for zero carbon. Brett oversees education services providing training or moderations for 100’s of events with 1000’s attendees. His mission is to help you build, BETTER.

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