Generating Financial Incentives for Conserving Grasslands through Carbon Credits

Generating Financial Incentives for Conserving Grasslands through Carbon Credits

Generating Financial Incentives for Conserving Grasslands through Carbon Credits

Presenter: Dr. Brian McConkey and Sayeed Mahadi, Viresco Solutions Inc.
Presentation Summary: Grassland landowners can obtain financial incentives for keeping their grassland intact. They can be paid for preventing the release of stored carbon in their grassland soils into the atmosphere when the grasslands are converted to cropland. This is an exciting potential opportunity for ranchers, farmers, and landowners to generate carbon credits. These carbon credits could provide an additional revenue stream, keeping livestock producers competitive and helping to
keep pastureland, hay land, and rangeland intact. The Canada Grassland Protocol involves a commitment to conserve the grassland in return from payments from carbon credit buyers showing interest in avoided grassland conversion. Signing a Qualified Land Conservation Agreement (QLCA) for ensuring permanence and protecting only the grassland threatened conversion are critical components for generating these carbon credits and maintaining the integrity of the carbon credits produced.
About the Presenters:
Dr. Brian McConkey:
Dr. Brian McConkey is Chief Scientist for Viresco Solutions Inc, an environmental consulting firm whose vision is “mainstreaming sustainability” by helping our clients in the agriculture value chain to strategically navigate the complex and evolving world of sustainability. Prior to joining Viresco Solutions in 2019, Brian had 33 years of diverse experience in agrienvironmental research, technology application, and science policy, with Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada at Swift Current. He is author or coauthor of over 200 scientific papers and book chapters covering soil and plant processes, soil health, water-agriculture inter-relationships, impacts of climate change on agriculture, quantifying carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions at field to national scales, and the assessment of the sustainability of agricultural production.
Sayeed Mahadi:
Sayeed has 12+ years of working experience in leading innovative projects on Carbon offset, Sustainability, Nature-based solutions, Climate Change, Renewable Energy and International Development. At Viresco, he conducts research and advises on policies related to Sustainable Agriculture, Nature-based solutions, Carbon markets, Greenhouse Gas(GHG) Accounting and Reporting and Sustainability Strategy, manages public and private sector consulting contracts and coordinates scientific workshops and meetings. Prior to joining Viresco Solutions, he worked for Radicle Group Inc. and Practical Action. Sayeed is managing the Canada Grassland Protocol Pilot project collaborating with Canadian Forage & Grassland Association(CFGA). The objective of this project is to pilot the CAR Canada Grasslands Protocol on grasslands across Canada to provide an alternative revenue stream to landowners for the conservation of at
-risk grasslands.

Presenting Sponsors: Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association, Wildlife Habitat Canada
Supporting Sponsors: Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association

Hosted by: Caitlin Mroz-Sailer, Stewardship Coordinator, Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan

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