Give native government the facility to succeed in web 0 | Letter


Give native government the facility to succeed in web 0 | Letter

The next government should give councils devolved powers to create new investment ecosystems for renewable energy based on local needs, says John Merry, deputy mayor of Salford city council

In your editorial (The Guardian view on councils in need: voters should be told what the parties’ plans are, 23 June), you fail to mention perhaps the most acute challenge of all facing local governments – the race to net zero. While crises in housing, social care and education are already affecting communities up and down the country, these will all be exacerbated by the looming challenges of soaring energy costs, rising temperatures and biodiversity loss.

Reaching net zero is arguably the biggest issue facing the public sector, and is probably the biggest it will ever face. Local authorities, which best understand local residents’ needs, are at the frontline when it comes to dealing with the impacts and tackling the challenges ahead.

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