Grain boundary technology by way of steerage CuxP2Ox+5 precursor composition complements CO electrolysis


Grain boundary technology by way of steerage CuxP2Ox+5 precursor composition complements CO electrolysis

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01258E, Paper
Jiaqi Sang, Tianfu Liu, Pengfei Wei, Hefei Li, Conghui Liu, Yi Wang, Youwen Rong, Qi Wang, Guoxiong Wang, Xinhe Bao
Cu-based catalysts selectively convert CO2/CO into valuable C2+ oxygenates and hydrocarbons electrochemically, which is regarded as a promising strategy for carbon cycle utilization. Herein, we synthesized CuxP2Ox+5 (x=2, 4, 5)…
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