Hard work ‘now not forcing any corporate’ to shop for carbon credit

Hard work ‘now not forcing any corporate’ to shop for carbon credit

Hard work ‘now not forcing any corporate’ to shop for carbon credit

Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers says Labor won’t be forcing companies to buy carbon credits under the party’s emissions reduction scheme.

Deputy Labor Leader Richard Marles struggled to answer questions on Saturday about whether coal mines would be expected to purchase carbon credits under Labor’s policy, forcing Mr Chalmers to clarify the party’s position.

“We’re not forcing any company to buy a credit,” Mr Chalmers said.

“As I’ve said before, businesses and entities have options under the safeguard mechanism – the same options they have under the government now they will have under us.

“They can choose to buy a credit, or they can choose to reduce their emissions below the baseline determined by the clean energy regulator.

“Our preference is for the latter; we’ve said that repeatedly.”

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